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" Humans are like Sand Dune, Always changing under the influence of surroundings, trends, requirements, and other external factors that need to be deciphered by a trained listener. "

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User First Research Approach 

I Follow the 4-W.H process combining the iterative process of design thinking with deep ethnographic understanding to approach complex problems. i.e.

  1. What: This refers to the problem or issue being researched. It is important to clearly define and understand the problem to develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses.

  2. Why: This refers to the reasons behind the problem or issue. Understanding the underlying causes of the problem can help guide the research and identify potential solutions.

  3. Who refers to the individuals or groups affected by the problem or issue. It is important to understand the perspectives and experiences of these stakeholders to develop effective solutions.

  4. Where: This refers to the context of the problem or issue. Understanding the social, cultural, economic, and political factors contributing to the problem can help guide the research and identify potential solutions.

  5. How: This refers to the methods and strategies that can be used to address the problem or issue. Understanding the potential solutions and their feasibility is crucial for developing effective interventions.

  6. When: This refers to the timeline of the problem or issue and the urgency of addressing it. Understanding the timeline and urgency of the problem can help guide the research and identify appropriate solutions.

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